Welcome to my Winter 2016…
Mid way through an amazing Autumn here in Chamonix and heading into what is being hailed as the big winter we’ve all been waiting for… Only time will tell, but there’s already good snow high up in the mountains and…
Mid way through an amazing Autumn here in Chamonix and heading into what is being hailed as the big winter we’ve all been waiting for… Only time will tell, but there’s already good snow high up in the mountains and…
A season like no other! So finally the winter has come and its starting to get deep out there. Way back in November, I was told by someone who had a friend who is a weather man, that the winter…
If I was to ask you which of your turns skidded out the most? Which of your turns is the weaker one? Which do you use to stop? Which one you fall over the most on? Or Which one do…
Now here's an interesting Snowboarding tip that is useful for everyone! Why do most snowboarders skid down the slope when they are trying to traverse? Do you know the simple answer to this simple question? When a snowboard is put…